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Outside the Box 
is available on all streaming services.


"Faith is"
"Through the Night"
"Stand Up Tall"
"Another Door Opens"
"Lord, I Would Follow Thee"
"Through the Night" (Bonus)


"Faith is"


"Another Door Opens"


"Lord, I Would Follow Thee"


"Stand Up Tall"


"Through the Night" 


Bethany Gainer Kuhlmann
Troy Langston
Chuck & Vickie Johnson
Cambrey, Gabe & Paisley Rietzsch
Stephanie McDonald
Bangerter Family


Lindsey's album "Outside the Box" (produced by MAS Studios)



Tell Us About Your Album Title


"I love to think about how God cannot be kept in a box. Sometimes we put limits on Him, when in reality He is so much more than we realize. When we step outside the box, we begin to see the incredible hand of God in our lives in a way we never thought possible. Our faith is strengthened, our hope is lifted, and we step into a new light."


What is "Through the Night" About?


"This heart-felt song represents the desperate and weary plea of someone who has tried to overcome deep trials and challenges on their own. When the breaking point has been reached at the end of a long day, the only option is to turn to the Lord and ask for His love, grace and will to be done. When we ask, He sends us that peace and we realize we can make it through anything with His help.

It was actually written in a major key, but changed into a minor to reflect the mood of the lyrics. The song then lifts into a major key as the lyrics reflect faith and triumph."

What Can We Find on the Album?


"This album features first single release from 2012, "Faith is", as well as guitar performances by Michael Dowdle, vocal contributions by EFY artist Brinleigh Kinne, a bonus track cover of "Through the Night" featuring vocalist Bethany Gainer, a vocal appearance of local musician Troy Langston, and a beautiful new rendition of the hymn 'Lord I Would Follow Thee' - all produced by the very talented, award winning  Mark Stephenson (MAS Studios)".


What's the Inspiration Behind the Video?


"When we are at the end of our rope, and ready to plead our case to the Lord, it's usually at the end of the day, in our home, on our bed, the couch, the porch, or wherever we can find solace. When we talk to Him, we are alone. For this reason the video was filmed in my home. Different shots of places where I usually speak to Him. The sunset was key in the video. Not only representing the end of the day, it also represents "the Son". When we face the Son, we can give Him our pain, suffering and worries and He shines His Light on us. He points us in a better direction.


I always involve my family in my projects - especially my kids. They love to be a part of what I do. Their feedback is so important to me. Each of my kids took turns being the camera man, and when I needed at least a few still shots, my husband took over. They helped during the editing process as well. Their favorite part though, was coming into the studio and singing on the track, "Stand Up Tall". 


What Was it Like, Making This Album? 


"Writing these songs and being able to sing them, was an incredible experience I will always treasure. This album has a nice mixture of fun, upbeat Christian/folk, contemporary ballads, peaceful hymn elements, and raw, heartfelt energy. The songs have great hooks, are catchy but even more importantly, they have a deep message. This album is a gift for my family and a legacy of love for my posterity to cherish. 


The music was Divinely inspired and helped me tap into a new area of musical gifts that has elevated my entire being. It was so much fun inviting others to be a part of this project. I'm honored to showcase local talent, and give a spotlight to all the amazing people in my community who contributed their gifts and time on this album. I'm so excited to be able to share it with the world, and hope that it finds it's way into the lives of all those will be touched by it's message." 


What Inspired You to Get Involved with Music?

Music has a powerful influence over us - I have felt that many times. There's enough music in this world that sells us lies and changes our paradigms for the negative. I wanted to be a part of influencing the world for good.


The music I write doesn't come from me, it comes from Above. It's all about the Lord and the messages He shares with me. I want my kids to have music that helps remind them who they really are, where they come from, and what they are capable of. It's so rewarding when they get my songs stuck in their heads. It's so cute to hear their sweet voices singing the words that I wrote. They are my smallest, yet biggest fans, and it makes all of the hard work worth it. 


What Advice Can You Give to Other Christ-Centered Indie Songwriters, Authors, etc? 


While working on the video, there were days when the adversary would cast doubts in my mind. The video wasn't "good enough", my voice wasn't "good enough", people were going to criticize my work, and it would distract from the message of my song, etc. But then one day I heard a voice say, "You will always be good enough for Me, and that's all that matters." Shortly afterward, I heard a song come on the radio that crushed all my doubts. I smiled because it's the same advice I always teach in my workshops and videos but I needed to hear it from someone else. The song is called, "It's Not About You" by Davis Handley. 


There's a line in the chorus says, "It's not about you, it's for the people who are blessed by what you do." That's the truth. Whenever you are nervous or afraid to share your gifts or be in the spotlight remember who it's really about - and all your fear will go away.  When you are afraid, who are you listening to? The adversary puts the focus on us - fear comes from him - but the Lord helps us put our focus on other people, and we find peace. When I speak, write books, present, or sing, I'm speaking, writing, and singing to "the one". The one person who I know was the reason for why I was inspired to share my gifts. The one person I may never meet. God is using me as an instrument in His hands to bless the one."


A special thanks to all who contributed on the album!


Story Behind "Faith is"


Lindsey K Rietzsch released her first single on September 28th 2012 "Faith is". With little background in singing or music and zero ability to play an instrument of any kind, Lindsey was treading out into the great unknown when she began this project in July 2012.

She describes her experience. "I was on a 3 hour drive to the Pheonix airport headed back from a women's conference I had just spoken at. Suddenly this song just came into my head. It was so beautiful and I knew all the words and just started singing it. I figured it was a song I must have heard before. As I continued to sing it from beginning to end, it was then I realized that this song was being sent from up above - a gift from God that I needed to share with whoever needed to hear it. The message was absolutely parallel to my new book Successful Failures - a message about faith, hope and trust in the Lord. 


I took my phone and sang the song into it while driving on the freeway, so that I wouldn't forget it when I got home. As soon as I did that, other songs began to flow into my mind. I sang those into my phone as well. I knew I had to do something with these songs when I got home but I wasn't sure how. One thing I did know was that if the Lord wanted me to do this - it would all work out according to His will."

When Lindsey returned to Utah, she contacted Noisebox Studios in Orem, Utah and what started out as a "demo" to possibly solicit to other artists, became more than she expected. 

"When I sat down with the engineer Dave, to record this first song, it was a laugh in itself. I explained to him that I could not play the piano, I could not sing and I did not know music language or theory. I was basically going to hum to him the melody, the chords and the harmonies. The entire song was complete in my head with the bridge, the instruments - all of it. The challenge was going to be translating what was in my head to the engineer. He was so kind and patient with me and he completely understood what I was conveying to him through my silly hums, oohs and ahhs, and hand gestures. Just like magic the music started coming together exactly how I had heard it in my head. It was a miracle! 

Dave gave me the confidence to sing on my own track. He believed in me and thought my voice was better than I did. Others in my circle of family and friends agreed and expressed it was fitting for me to sing the song I had written. So, that's what I did.

My hopes for this project is not for me to get recognition as a singer or to be in the spotlight - it's about the song and it's powerful message. I know there is someone out there who is supposed to hear this and it is supposed to help them in some way. I have felt the Spirit confirm that from the first time this song entered my mind to while I recorded it in the studio. I hope that others feel the Spirit as well."


Lindsey explains the story behind her song.


"The song "Faith is" is about the power of faith and testimonies within one family. When passed down from parent to child or grandparent to grandchild, one testimony can change lives and impact lives for generations to come. This story in particular illustrates this point through the faith and testimony of a mother. When those around her doubt, she stays strong. She passes this message along to her young son who one day returns the message back to her when she is struggling with her own doubt, fear and uncertainty. It's a beautiful message and reminds us that with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ - we need not ever fear."

@ 2017 Visintra Group 

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